Our school in partnership with parents, guardians and/or carers, who are the primary educators of their children, is entrusted with the holistic education of students in our school. Our school staff therefore have a duty of care to students to take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions that they can reasonably foresee would be likely to result in harm or injury to the student, and to work for the positive wellbeing of each child.

The school has a duty of care to provide a safe and protected environment for all students and adults in the school environment on a daily basis or in casual association. Please use the below links to access policies and procedures relating to Duty of Care.

Duty of Care Statement

Anaphylaxis Management Policy

Allergy Awareness

Asthma Management

Medication Administration

Attendance Monitoring Policy

Health & First Aid Policy

ICT Usage Policy

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Student Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy

Supervision of Student Policy

Student Behaviour Policy

CES Limited - Suspension, Negotiated Transfer and Expulsion of Students Framework (290321)