St Peter's school fees and levies are calculated on a tiered structure and broken into Family Fee, Capital Levy, Student Fees/Curriculum Levy, Swimming Program, Extra Curricular, Technology Levy and Camps/Excursions. The setting of fee levels and other compulsory charges in Catholic schools is the responsibility of the school, taking into account the allocation of government funds.

The school offers a number of methods for paying fees to reduce any financial burden and to assist financial planning. If you have difficulty in meeting the required fee payment, you are welcome to discuss this with the principal of the school. The fees must be paid for a child to continue to be enrolled at the school. We strongly recommend families meet their fees using Direct Debiting, Eftpos or Centrepay facility on a regular payment schedule. This has proved most successful for families. The payments can be arranged to suit your personal situation and in many cases families have met their commitment well before the end of the school year.

Direct Debit Request Form